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The only man on the planet who could possibly bring us a Championship did so in 2016. Go Cavs! (their first and only)

Since and before our trophy cabinet still is

We in Cleveland understand what hope is.
We now have Guardians to help us. Maybe.
So far there isn’t a song about our plight.


This portal is here for you to share with us Radio Children your musical creations
discussing our shared plight.

The only thing that will glue all your compositions together will be these lyrics.
Bonus points for adding in actual broadcast clips

RIP Nev Chandler, Gib Shanley, Herb Score, Joe Tait

DEADLINE Thursday March 24 11:59 PM
One week before Opening Day March 31, 2022

***** LYRICS *****

It’s another season opening day
So many years in last place
my hair is gray


It’s been so long….

The last game of the season playoffs long gone
The bookies were all wrong

The 1948 World Series was the championship series of Major League Baseball’s 1948 season. The series was a best-of-seven format played between the American League (AL) champion Cleveland Indians and the National League (NL) champion Boston Braves. The Braves had won the National League pennant for the first time since the “Miracle Braves” team of 1914, while the Indians had spoiled a chance for the only all-Boston World Series by winning a one-game playoff against the Boston Red Sox for the American League flag. Though superstar pitcher Bob Feller failed to win either of his two starts, the Indians won the Series in six games to capture their second championship and their first since 1920 (as well as their last to the present date).

The 1964 NFL Championship Game was the 32nd annual championship game, held on December 27 at Cleveland Stadium in Cleveland, Ohio. With an attendance of 79,544, it was the first NFL title game to be televised by CBS. The game marked the last championship won by a major-league professional sports team from Cleveland until 2016, when the Cleveland Cavaliers won the NBA Finals. Through 2021, this is the Browns’ most recent league title.